Thursday, July 03, 2014

Apple is #1 in US smartphone market share

Smartphones Achieve 70 Percent Mobile Market Share
RESTON, VA, July 2, 2014  – comScore, Inc. (NASDAQ: SCOR), a leader in measuring the digital world, today released data from comScore MobiLens® and Mobile Metrix®, reporting key trends in the U.S. smartphone industry for May 2014. Apple ranked as the top smartphone manufacturer with 41.9 percent OEM market share, while Google Android led as the #1 smartphone platform with 52.1 percent platform market share. Facebook ranked as the top individual smartphone app.
Smartphone OEM Market Share
169 million people in the U.S. owned smartphones (70 percent mobile market penetration) during the
three months ending in May, up 4 percent since February. Apple ranked as the top OEM with 41.9 percent of U.S. smartphone subscribers (up 0.6 percentage points from February). Samsung ranked second with 27.8 percent market share (up 0.8 percentage points), followed by LG with 6.5 percent, Motorola with 6.3 percent and HTC with 5.1 percent.

1.  Top Smartphone OEMs

Top Smartphone OEMs
3 Month Avg. Ending May 2014 vs. 3 Month Avg. Ending Feb. 2014
Total U.S. Smartphone Subscribers Age 13+
Source: comScore MobiLens
  Share (%) of Smartphone Subscribers
Feb-14 May-14 Point Change
Total Smartphone Subscribers 100.0% 100.0% N/A
Apple 41.3 41.9 0.6
Samsung 27.0 27.8 0.8
LG 6.8 6.5 -0.3
Motorola 6.3 6.3 0.0
HTC 5.4 5.1 -0.3

2. Smartphone Platform Market Share

Android ranked as the top smartphone platform in May with 52.1 percent market share, followed by Apple with 41.9 percent (up 0.6 percentage points from February), Microsoft with 3.4 percent, BlackBerry with 2.3 percent and Symbian with 0.1 percent.
Top Smartphone Platforms
3 Month Avg. Ending May 2014 vs. 3 Month Avg. Ending Feb. 2014
Total U.S. Smartphone Subscribers Age 13+
Source: comScore MobiLens
  Share (%) of Smartphone Subscribers
Feb-14 May-14 Point Change
Total Smartphone Subscribers 100.0% 100.0% N/A
Android 52.1% 52.1% 0.0
Apple 41.3% 41.9% 0.6
Microsoft 3.4% 3.4% 0.0
BlackBerry 2.9% 2.3% -0.6
Symbian 0.2% 0.1% -0.1

3. Top Smartphone Apps

Facebook ranked as the top smartphone app, reaching 76.4 percent of the app audience, followed by Google Play (51.8 percent), YouTube (51.7 percent) and Google Search (49.2 percent).
Top 15 Smartphone Apps
May 2014
Total U.S. Smartphone Mobile Media Users, Age 18+ (iOS and Android Platforms)
Source: comScore Mobile Metrix
  Top 15 Apps % Reach
      Smartphone App Audience 100.0%
1     Facebook (Mobile App) 76.4%
2     Google Play (Mobile App) 51.8%
3     YouTube (Mobile App) 51.7%
4     Google Search (Mobile App) 49.2%
5     Pandora Radio (Mobile App) 47.6%
6     Google Maps (Mobile App) 44.3%
7     Gmail (Mobile App) 42.2%
8     Instagram (Mobile App) 32.0%
9     Yahoo Stocks (Mobile App) 28.9%
10     Facebook Messenger (Mobile App) 27.5%
11     Yahoo Weather Widget (Mobile App) 26.0%
12     Apple Maps (Mobile App) 25.3%
13     Twitter (Mobile App) 23.0%
14     Google+ (Mobile App) 22.5%
15     iTunes Radio/iCloud (Mobile App) 21.6%
About Mobile Metrix
comScore Mobile Metrix provides mobile audience measurement across smartphones and tablets. Using a combination of panel and census-based measurement methods, Mobile Metrix offers an unduplicated view of mobile browsing and app audiences at the media property, website and individual app level.
About MobiLens
MobiLens data is derived from an intelligent online survey of a nationally representative sample of mobile subscribers age 13 and older. Data on mobile phone usage refers to a respondent’s primary mobile phone and does not include data related to a respondent’s secondary device.
About comScore
comScore, Inc. (NASDAQ: SCOR) is a global leader in digital measurement and analytics, delivering insights on web, mobile and TV consumer behavior that enable clients to maximize the value of their digital investments. For more information, please visit

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