Sunday, September 07, 2014

Charger sets Nokia Lumia 920 on fire; phone still works after the flames are gone

Nokia Lumia 920, Charger sets Nokia Lumia 920 on fire
n Brazil, the Nokia Lumia 920 is red hot. In fact, it's smoking. Actually, we are talking about just one Lumia 920 that caught on fire after being left to recharge overnight. The owner of the device, a gentleman named Fabricio, says that not only does the phone still work, it actually continues to recharge. But Fabricio is a bit worried. He is concerned that the device might catch on fire again, or explode.

Now, you might be asking about the warranty. Why doesn't Fabricio simply return the phone? Well, it turns out that the warranty on his handset expired two months ago. And to make matters worse, Nokia refuses to repair the device for free; this upset Fabricio so much, that he vows that his next phone will be an Android model. He wonders how Nokia could give a free handset to someone that had a Samsung built Android model catch on fire, but fail to take care of someone who is a Nokia customer. 

You can't blame Nokia for not repairing the phone. Sometimes, it is the phone owner's fault. You might remember a couple of years ago, a Samsung Galaxy S III was said to have exploded while in an unplugged car dock. Both Carphone Warehouse, where the phone was purchased, and Samsung, refused to replace the charred model. And when the truth was finally revealed, it turned out that the retailer and manufacturer had done the right thing. Apparently, a friend of the phone's owner had dropped it in water. Panicked, he tossed it into the microwave in a misguided attempt to dry it off.

As far as Fabricio is concerned, unless he can convince Nokia that he honestly deserves a free replacement, he will continue to use his burnt Nokia Lumia 920 until it is time for him to make the switch to Android.
Nokia Lumia 920, Charger sets Nokia Lumia 920 on fire

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