Tuesday, September 02, 2014

Here's why you shouldn't text and drive

Here's why you shouldn't text and drive
Next time you feel the urge to fire off a missive via text while you are behind the wheel, consider the plight of Colorado's Christina Jahnz. Christina had just dropped off her daughter at Middle School when she sent a voice text to a friend. That meant that she took her eyes off the road. Although she claims that it was only for a "split
second," that was enough time for her to crash into a guard rail. She ended up impaled by a pole in her buttocks and thigh.

Rescuers had to saw off both ends of the pole before transporting her to the hospital, where she underwent emergency surgery. "I went into surgery and I lost count of the stitches after 40."

Let this be a warning to those who continue to pick up their handset while operating their car. You might have been able to get away with it before, but you never know when it is your time to be embarrassed on the evening news. And that is if you survive. After all, Jahnz almost bought the farm.  "They said if it had gone just a little bit the other way I would have bled out," she said. She also had one last thing to say to those who usually operate their vehicle while using their phone. "It's devastating knowing that I could have prevented it to begin with. I just hope my story helps to save the lives of others. Don't text and drive."

 source: YouTube via DailyNews

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