Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Breathometer Breeze is a Bluetooth touting wearable breathalyzer

Breathometer Breeze
Breathometer has unveiled the Breeze today. This is a new breathalyzer that the company claims is the industry’s first such device to be “truly wearable”. It’s small, has a built-in mouthpiece, and it comes with a wearable clip, keychain, and a mouthpiece cover.
It apparently delivers ultra fast and ultra accurate results, and it uses Bluetooth LE to talk to your iPhone or Android smartphone – on which you install the Breathometer app.

The app now features integration with Uber, as well as local restaurants and hotels. Breathometer has support for Apple’s HealthKit, so its results are available inside Apple’s Health app, alongside other health and wellness info from other sources.

Breathometer Breeze

The Breathometer Breeze will allegedly last for an incredible 16 months of daily use before needing battery replacement. It’s available to buy for $99.99, and will start shipping on October 22.



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