Sunday, October 12, 2014

Google delivers doctors on demand to your home via video calls

HTC one max

Google is testing a new telemedicine service that connect users to a physician for free via video conferencing when they are searching for symptoms or illnesses online. The service is part of the broader Helpouts initiative that was launched earlier where users can ask professionals for advice on a video call like a Hangouts chat. Telemedicine advice, at this time in Google's trial phase, is free and Google will cover all costs.

That said, if you need more detailed services from a medical professional, or are referred to an actual physician exam room, those costs you will have to pay yourself.

Right now Google isn't saying much about the service, but the Internet search giant did confirm that it is in fact testing out its telemedicine service with Engadget.

Do you see yourself seeking professional medical advice on the Internet this way? Is this the future of medicine?
Source: Engadget

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