Monday, November 10, 2014

99 iPhone Man Rejected In China: Man Proposes To Girlfriend Before Singles’ Day

99 iPhone Man Rejected In China: Man Proposes To Girlfriend Before Singles’ Day
A man reportedly bought 99 iPhones to propose to his girlfriend in China, but she rejected him.
Buying 99 iPhones and arranging them in a heart apparently wasn't enough to convince a young man's girlfriend to accept his proposal before Singles Day. He had thought it might be a good time to
commit to his partner, which would have enabled them to skip Tuesday's events, The Nanfang reported.

A bunch of friends looked on as the young programmer arranged 99 iPhones 6s, which reportedly cost him two-years' salary, about $82,000, in the form of a heart on the ground, Tencent News reported. A picture of the proposal can be seen here, courtesy of the Chinese microblogging site Weibo.

But worst of all, all the iPhones in the world might not have been enough. She said no.

Nanfang noted the lad might not have much to worry about. The iPhone 6 is in high demand in China, so he will probably be able to resell them. More good news for him, one in five men would actually rather have an iPhone 6 than a girlfriend, a recent survey indicated. The numbers are apparently up from last year when one in eight men surveyed said they would sacrifice the touch of a woman for a new Touch ID-equipped Apple phone.

99 iPhone Man Rejected In China: Man Proposes To Girlfriend Before Singles’ Day

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