Tuesday, August 05, 2014

Google pulls game called "Bomb Gaza"

Bomb Gaza
Google pulls game called "Bomb Gaza"
Google has pulled "Bomb Gaza" from the Google Play Store. The game made light of the current conflict going on in the region between Israel and the Palestinians. There were a number of complaints about the game, which had been downloaded about 1000 times since being launched on July 29th. Those playing the game were given the role of being the Israeli military, bombing Gaza. The goal of the game was to "drop bombs and avoid killing civilians."

Amazingly, the maturity level of the game was given a "low" listing, which means that it was considered appropriate for younger kids to play. A Google spokesman said that games that violate its policies are removed. The precise policy that "Bomb Gaza" violated was not mentioned.

Another game called "Gaza Assault: Code Red" has also apparently been pulled from the Google Play Store, despite garnering a five-star rating.

Google pulls Gaza related games from the Google Play Store

1. Bomb Gaza has been tossed from the Google Play Store

Bomb Gaza


2. Unhappy players of the game

Bomb Gaza

3. Another Gaza related game is pulled

source: TheGuardian via Engadget



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