Friday, October 03, 2014

This infographic explores the early years of smartphones and the rise of the iPhone

This infographic explores the early years of smartphones and the rise of the iPhone
Imagine a world without smartphones. Go on, we'll wait. Now remember the first time you grasped such a device in your hand and try to reminisce of the feelings that you experienced at that point. While many of you will hardly recall their first encounter with a smartphone, you can surely remember the exact make and model of the device.

Depending on your age, you might have witnessed the rise and fall of certain manufacturers, as well as the gradual shift towards more uniform, less discerning from one
another smartphones. We've already made several picks of the more notable smartphones from the early years of the industry, as well as some of the more unique and distinct devices of the "classic period". Most devices were different, emphasized on a different bevy of features, and the bigger portion among them provided a rather distinctive user experience. Then Apple created the iPhone and the beginning of the end of the "classic era" commenced.

Right below you'll find a neat infographic that explores the first years of the fledgling smartphone industry and the rise of Apple's most successful product ever.

Apple's rise to power

Apple's rise to power

Apple's rise to power

Apple's rise to power

Apple's rise to power

Apple's rise to power

Apple's rise to power

Apple's rise to power

Apple's rise to power

Apple's rise to power

source: Masters in Finance

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